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Author: magix

Carlos Arredondo – Gold Star dad

A dear friend and fellow member of Military Families Speak Out, Carlos Arredondo was beaten by pro-war advocates at a protest march in Washington, DC. Saturday. His son, LCpl Alex Arredondo was killed in Falujah while my son was fighting in Ramadi. It took two years to find out the true circumstances of Alex’s death.

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David Cline – Rest in peace

Vietnam veteran and co founder of Veterans for Peace and Vietnam Veterans Against War has succumbed to the effects of Agent Orange and multiple gunshot wounds sustained in Vietnam. Dave passed September 15, 2007 but will be long...

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An historic moment

Few people are fully aware of how much GI resistance had to do with bringing about the end of the Vietnam war. During that conflict a movement began within the ranks of the active duty soldiers that belies the myth that the peace movement is anti-soldier. To learn more about this watch the documentary ‘Sir, No Sir’ and read ‘Soldiers in Revolt‘ by David Cortright.

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