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…finally! It is no secret that I do not hold Chief Reaves, his policies, his public manner or his contempt for fellow citizens in high regard. That said, it is too early to celebrate until we see what city manager O’Connor finds for a replacement. Since O’Connor has repeatedly defended the chief rather than give serious consideration to the complaints filed by tax paying citizens, there is a strong chance that we are in for more of the same.

Reaves evidently plans to stay in the area and barbecue ribs AND, evidently, has joined the recently formed Coquille Valley Crime Stoppers along with another retired lawman, Mike Cook. Presumably, CVCS has as its top priority solving the murder of Leah Freeman. After eight years, Reaves joins an organization to solve a murder he would not work and steadfastly refused to turn over to an agency that might work it. Of course, he had the blessings and cooperation of the district attorney to hold the case but why? Why not give this case to a fresh agency?