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Author: magix

How Low Can Bob Main Go

there is no question Main knew what he was doing with that dog whistle, “access to kids!” Some of his buddies in the audience reacted as Main expected with nasty comments about keeping hands off children, etc…. It was probably the dirtiest thing I have ever witnessed him do and in my opinion it was a threat to the school as well.

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Rod Taylor’s lack of ethics on full display

Taylor had a responsibility to disclose the controversial nature of Frank’s “research.” When a prosecutor presents a witness with a checkered past they must disclose that past to the jury, for example. While Taylor probably didn’t bother to vet Frank in advance of inviting him to Coos County I personally, as did many others, notified him of Frank’s deficiencies. Additionally, I requested that a rebuttal be given the same 15 minutes afforded to Frank.

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Rod Taylor humiliates himself and endangers county staff

Our election-denying, January 6th insurrectionist county commissioner thoroughly humiliated himself last week when he imposed his pet conspiracy theory on the regular board meeting. Before I explain let me remind everyone of the harassment our county clerk and elections staff endured during the 2022 election cycle and how Rod Taylor refused to take any responsibility for the ill-treatment perpetrated by members of his organization

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Orange is the new red.

Every self respecting democracy loving American should make it a point to attend these meetings, first and third Tuesdays in Coquille, and I would suggest wearing an orange tie to support the former president doing his time in Riker’s Island or at the very least on house arrest with an ankle monitor.

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