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Rod Taylor humiliates himself and endangers county staff

Our election-denying, January 6th insurrectionist county commissioner thoroughly humiliated himself last week when he imposed his pet conspiracy theory on the regular board meeting. Before I explain let me remind everyone of the harassment our county clerk and elections staff endured during the 2022 election cycle and how Rod Taylor refused to take any responsibility for the ill-treatment perpetrated by members of his organization

Orange is the new red.

Every self respecting democracy loving American should make it a point to attend these meetings, first and third Tuesdays in Coquille, and I would suggest wearing an orange tie to support the former president doing his time in Riker’s Island or at the very least on house arrest with an ankle monitor.

Shocking Email Raises Questions About Rod Taylor’s Cognition

Peviously we’ve explored whether the commissioner is studiously obtuse but Taylor’s continued allegiance can only be attributed to a serious cognitive decline or more likely a deeply dishonest character. After all, Taylor is an admitted January 6 insurrectionist which makes him a guntoting traitor to his country.

Slippery Bob Caught In Lie on Social Media

…it’s no secret Main and I don’t agree on much of anything and I especially find his simpering and pandering to the MAGA extremist crowd and how he uses his platform as a county commissioner to bash liberal perspectives to be both divisive and offensive.

Slippery Bob Blames Democrats And George Soros For County Ills

Main spent most of the forum boasting about past accomplishments and criticizing liberal policies for not allowing the county to be clear-cut. While the county commission is a nonpartisan position, he has been in the habit of bashing liberals and Democrats during his commissioner comments board meetings.

Signs Against “Safety” Levy Popping Up

Sheriff Gabe Fabrizio, along with District Attorney Paul Fraxier and Coos County Commissioner John Sweet have been urging city councils, civic groups, political organizations and more to support the levy. All this while Fabrizio completely ignores charges of gender bias that allowed an accused rapist, Jason Snelgrove, to escape without even an interrogation.

Justice denied by law enforcement policies

How has Fabrizio handled this? By ignoring it. He has refused to return calls or answer emails. Both he and his captain have been overheard discussing these stories saying “people just don’t understand how things work.” They have made zero effort to educate us or provide information about their internal policies that allow such serious crimes as rape and possibly murder go uninvestigated.

Unforced errors regarding the safety levy

It remains to be seen how Measure 6-213 seeking to levy county property owners up to $6 million a year to increase the number of deputy district attorneys and jail beds will make victims of law enforcement bias and investigatory inadequacy safer.

Things to Consider with the proposed “safety” levy

“Oregon has an incarceration rate of 555 per 100,000 people … meaning that it locks up a higher percentage of its people than almost any democratic country on earth.”

Sheriff wants jail levy while ignoring rape victim

The culture and the policies implemented and enforced within the leadership of an agency should be acceptable to the citizens served before the voters agree to provide that leadership with additional funding. Fabrizio is a personable fellow, but he can’t expect to manage the agency just by employing “combat marketing”,



Why Does Rod Taylor Think He Is A Patriot?

Why Does Rod Taylor Think He Is A Patriot?

Radical right extremist and county commissioner candidate Rod Taylor is shocked that Coos County Sheriff Craig Zanni endorsed Melissa Cribbins for commissioner. Overheard on a local talk radio program, Taylor couldn’t understand how a so-called “constitutional...

Rod Taylor’s Troubles

Rod Taylor’s Troubles

Mr. Taylor has some redeeming qualities.  He is easy to talk to. Finn his companion on the campaign trail is a cute little dog. At times his political drama is entertaining.  However, Mr. Taylor is unfit to serve as a Coos County Commissioner.

Kinnaird is running for sheriff

Kinnaird is running for sheriff

The Coos County Sheriff’s Office has a difficult time retaining staff. In fact, it could be said the department is hemorrhaging deputies, losing four possibly five jailors in the last year and 11 patrol deputies in just the last seven months.




Major solar storm headed toward earth

A pair of scorching explosions on the Sun’s surface is sparking the biggest radiation and geomagnetic storm the Earth has experienced in five years, space weather experts said Wednesday.

The storm, expected to hit Earth early Thursday US time and last through Friday, may disrupt power grids, GPS systems and satellites, and has already forced some airlines to change their routes around the polar regions.

Coos County

Frivolous Lawsuit Thrown Out

Frivolous Lawsuit Thrown Out

“Here, we are confronted with a lawsuit that should never have been filed, which was completely frivolous, both factually and legally,” wrote Middlebrooks, “… which was brought in bad faith for an improper purpose.”

Wearing a weapon is not freedom

Wearing a weapon is not freedom

Toxic masculinity and gun culture appear to go hand in hand with the ultra-MAGA, Christian nationalism that threatens our democracy. Since the election of Coos County Commissioner Rod Taylor, he and several of his followers regularly attend board meetings with their manhood strapped to their hips.