Late in October 2022, The Federalist published an article entitled, “We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives”, to which I heartily agree.  The MAGA right, those folks who ascribe to wild conspiracy theories about widespread election fraud and Jewish space lasers and who storm state and federal capitol buildings and tried to help corrupt politicians use fake electors to overturn a democratic election seems the antithesis of conservative. Author, John Daniel Davidson was not talking about anything so blatant and abhorrent, but rather that a new marketing plan or strategic framing is necessary, ‘…conservatives will have to discard outdated and irrelevant notions about “small government.” The government will have to become, in the hands of conservatives, an instrument of renewal …and in some cases, a blunt instrument indeed.’


For those who long for and expect America to be, as historian Thomas Zimmer describes, an “egalitarian multiracial, pluralistic democracy” it’s hard to accept that within Trumpism there may be no such consensus.  From the perspective of the far right it would seem that the liberal left, or any who disagree with their ideology, aren’t just fellow members of society with a different opinion rather they are essentially deviant. If the left can be viewed as deviant, then the right can justify taking a position not everyone is entitled to the same rights, privileges and even common courtesy that should be afforded to all.


A case in point is the horrific treatment and revolting and completely unwarranted and slanderous attacks made upon the ethics, morals and character of Coos County Clerk, Dede Murphy and her hardworking staff by a local far-right clan calling itself CRL (Citizens Restoring Liberty). Two CRL members and failed candidates for county office, Pam Lewis and Diane Rich have even gone so far as to sue the county alleging all manner of crimes by the clerk’s office. To paraphrase a federal judge regarding a similar lawsuit, Lewis and Rich want permission to look under every bed in Coos County until they find a monster.


Just like Trump who has raised and pocketed millions on his Big Lie, the pair are trying to grift money using an online funding platform (wirefraud?) and falsely claiming to be “victims of election fraud.” Now that CRL founder Rod Taylor has narrowly won his race for Coos County Commissioner surely an apology should be forthcoming…

Author and scholar, Kathleen Belew studies social movements and far-right groups like CRL noting they have various common factors such as “members of the Klan, militias, radical tax resisters, white separatists, neo-Nazis, and proponents of white theologies such as Christian Identity, Odinism, and Dualism…” Insurrectionist and pistol packing Taylor ticks some of these boxes possibly including tax resister.

How did Coos County sink to this? Commissioner Bob Main may have helped facilitate and empower this clan. CRL member Matt Wilbanks claims on his website that Main once spoke to the group and advised them on political strategy. Main has attended many CRL meetings including one threatening possible violence against the county health director, Eric Gleason. We will be exploring Main’s connection to the far-right over the next few months.




The once anonymous author of that infamous op-ed claiming despite Trump’s dangerous incompetence, not to worry, there are adults in the room, Miles Taylor tells the revealing truth about working in the Trump administration.

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