Imagine my surprise today when the phone rings and someone who turned out to be an Army recruiter from the North Bend office asked to speak to my oldest son. He was a bit coy before finally telling me he was a recruiter but went on to state he just wanted to know if my son was still in the area and to talk to him about his future plans.

Given my son is thirty years old the first thing I thought was they were going to try and call him back as my son has less than a month left on Individual Ready Reserve Status. So I asked him if he was aware my son, John, was disabled and he said he was not. After I told him John was permanently disabled after two tours in Iraq serving as a Marine assaultman suffering from PTSD and TBI the recruiter told me he, at least, would not call again. He agreed, John had done is bit for God and country and I said, “Yes, he is done”. (Plus, those Marines aren’t that fond of the Army).

Wondering if they call a lot of thirty year olds or if this was just an accident…