In many meetings, veteran Bob Arnold has complained to the board about the lack of adequate sound enhancement for the hearing impaired and effectively been ignored. The July 10 BOC meeting in Charleston was not accessible to the handicapped requiring a 1/4 mile hike along a gravel road and was not audio enhanced for the hard of hearing. Commissioner Parry has ridiculed and lectured the public for not showing respect for “the office” of the commissioner trying to do “the people’s business” for daring to react, groan, sigh or laugh at some of the cloying, long winded, syrupy, adjective rich yet context empty word salads he regularly forces on the public.

Respect goes two ways. This commission regularly discriminates against the hearing impaired and now wants the public, those that can take time off from work, to walk through a smoky casino at 1:30 in the afternoon in order to contribute to discussions about governance change. Isn’t the county fair supposed to be smoke free? If the commission showed more respect for the public they might find more tolerance for rambling and incoherent rationalizations that waste everyone’s time… but for now just let the groans begin.

The commissioners have yet to explain what the real rush is to change to a council manager form of government. Even the two pro change commissioners admit they have no idea what they will do with their free time and the changes wouldn’t go into effect until 2014 if we can trust Parry to hold to his July 10 statements. So show some respect for the public and tell the truth about why this change is being ramrodded down our throats and stop discriminating against us. Show respect and stop assuming we can’t tell when we are being played. Show some respect and hold these meetings in the evening when the public can attend.