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Author: magix

Iran snubs IAEA and resumes nuclear testing

Grim news out of the Middle East today.

Seemingly oblivious to increasing the chances of potentially fateful confrontation, Iran this week abruptly informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that it would resume nuclear-fuel research next week, and as a follow-up, failed to show up for a scheduled meeting with the UN watchdog to explain what it intended doing.

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11 more warriors killed in Iraq

Another deadly day in Iraq for US troops and for what? My heart breaks that these kids are dying over there particularly in light of the fact that the Bush administration no longer intends to rebuild Iraq.

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Coos County Court House shut down by bomb scare

The Coos County court house in Coquille, Oregon, put justice on hold today over a case of raman noodles. My super secret sources tell me that a circuit court judge observed a vagrant smoking a cigarette and holding a box near a dumpster located on court house property. Streets were closed and the court house was evacuated while bomb squads were called in from out of the area.

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