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Author: magix

Merits of citizen review boards

Concerned citizens in communities across the country have formed, in cooperation with their local government citizen review boards (CRBs). CRBs are empowered to assure the public that complaints to the police department regarding possible police misconduct are fairly and thoroughly investigated.

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June 14 Meeting of Concerned Citizens

Last night, concerned citizens took the first steps toward improving relations between citizens and the Coquille police department. Mayor Steve Britton and Councilman Loren Wiese graciously attended and provided much needed imput for how to proceed in a positive, effective manner. Both Britton and Wiese are aware that there is room for improvement in the police department and that these preliminary meetings are the beginning of a positive solution.

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Concerned Citizen of Coquille Meeting

Thursday, June 14, 7:00PM at Donna’s Country Store on 1st Street will be a gathering to discuss a plan of action for improving relations between citizens and the police department. We will be talking about goals, priorities, tasking and the possibility of a citizen review board amongst other things. More details later…

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Police misconduct is only part of the problem

Police misconduct is a widespread problem and has been the subject of television programs, movies, novels and countless articles. Of the many problems caused by police malfeasance, one in particular is that young cops, who may join the police force for idealistic reasons are often seduced by or acquiesce to the ‘dark side’ or give up on law enforcement altogether.

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