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Author: magix

Dems running candidates against other dems

Dan DeWalt, the author of a successful Vermont town resolution calling for the impeachment of President Bush has written a very thoughtful piece about the 2006 voters mandate and how Congress has ignored it. This topic is near and dear to many of us locally who are finding it harder and harder to support the sitting democratic majority in Congress.

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Cliff writes to the Editor

Clifford Latta has written an excellent letter regarding one Judge Paula Bechtold and asked that I post it here as well. I am happy to print this as a public service to fellow citizens as I have personally witnessed very unprofessional behavior on the part of this judge. Several lawyers I know also feel that this judge behaves in an improper manner, ie, allowing hearsay testimony, eye rolling, selective recusal, etc…. Anyway, I think it would be prudent for everyone issued a citation to immediately request a different judge. I am not sure but I believe it must be done prior to an arraignment.

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Cory is going national

Cory Courtright, mother of murder victim Leah Freeman is traveling to Portland this week to meet with the National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children (POMC). POMC publishes a national newsletter and will feature Leah’s story to help maintain media interest and attract the assistance of Cold Case Files and Nancy Grace. Personally, I have never seen either of these programs but do understand that they have, by virtue of dogged investigation and intense media exposure, helped solve many cold cases.

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The last days of democracy

The Senate caved on Bush’s warrantless wiretapping requests and approved a bill extending intelligence agencies ability to eavesdrop on American citizens. The terrorists have stripped us of habeus corpus and are successfully eroding our civil liberties. How then are we being protected from terrorism? It appears they have already won.

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