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Author: magix

Reid caves, Petreaus gushes, US lawmakers hit by grenades

Sen Harry Reid appears to be caving in to GOP refusal to set a deadline for troop withdrawal Personally, I have had it with the two party system and this is why…

Reid convened an all-night session that infuriated Republicans, who blocked a Democratic withdrawal measure. Despite antiwar stirrings within the GOP, just four Republican senators broke ranks on the vote, and several chastised Reid, saying he wasted the Senate’s time on a publicity stunt.

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Coquille Police

Well, I filed a complaint against my neighbor this afternoon with the local PD. Officer Ulmer the same officer who sited me for trespassing on the public right of way when I returned some signs (at his direction, by the way) two years ago, way took the report. He has, in the past promised that he will review other damage done to my property which included the moving a licensed survey stake. Despite repeated calls by me, he never followed through or called my surveyor and my $500 survey was wasted.

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Gravel tells it like it is

Mike Gravel is one tough old bird and I wouldn’t have any trouble voting for him if he gets the nomination… I might even write him in ’cause we need someone with his integrity and courage as a leader. Yes, young men and women are dying each day and our democratic majority isn’t doing what it takes to bring them home.

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