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Author: magix

Hookers & 2008 via Rachel Maddow

Normally I never blog or even think about the sex lives (yuck!), of our elected repreesntatives but the hipocrisy so many of these family values type leaders heap on America is just too much. Worst of all it is all a smoke screen to keep the average American’s attention deflected from US foreign policy. Anyway, watch Rachel Maddow, she speculates that if Rove is right, the Dems gained the House and Senate only because of GOP sex scandals and not runaway spending and catastrophic foreign policy blunders, then the Dems should scrape up a much wider majority.

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Military & families at breaking point

Clearly, Bush is impervious to advice from his military commanders so this dire warning from joint chiefs that the military and their families are cracking under the strain leaves Bush unmoved.

At a key juncture in the Iraq war, the military chiefs conveyed to President Bush on Friday their concern about a growing strain on troops and their families from long and repeated combat tours.

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Freedom and democracy not for 'the few, the proud'…

Major General John Batiste who courageously retired so that he could speak out against the surge penned an oped at ThinkProgress. The last paragraph of the piece sums up what we all feel regarding this hopeless mess in Iraq.

The only way to stabilize Iraq and allow our military to rearm and refit for the long fight ahead is to begin a responsible and deliberate redeployment from Iraq and replace the troops with far less expensive and much more effective resources–those of diplomacy and the critical work of political reconciliation and economic recovery. In other words, when it comes to Iraq, it’s time for conservatives to once again be conservative.

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