Real men don’t need a gun to prove their virility. Rational men don’t deliberately provoke confrontations while wearing a gun on their hip. Reasonable men can discuss their differences without brandishing a weapon.


Rod Taylor is neither reasonable or rational and would appear to suffer from some serious insecurities about his manliness. Case in point, Taylor apparently enjoys agitating members of a peaceful weekly vigil held in Bandon at the corner of 42S and Hwy 101. This is a family friendly event and often includes children.


Several years ago, I participated in these weekly vigils inspired by Women in Black and meant to pay homage to lives lost to violence around the world. The vigils have evolved over the years and may include themes of peace, equal rights, and even universal healthcare.


Usually waving an American flag, Taylor along with others unable to accept that others have different views, is said to yell insults, and otherwise do what they can to disrupt the peace.


June 5, 2020, the Bandon Police were called after Taylor unclipped his gun and partially drew it out of the holster when someone asked him to please leave the peaceful demonstrators, including children, alone. According to reports at the scene, the police confirmed to bystanders that Taylor violated his concealed carry permit regulations with his actions.


Hoping to find some common ground, the peaceful demonstrators attempted to setup a meeting for both groups to help defray the tension, however, despite Taylor’s insistence that he would like to meet he ultimately would never commit to such a meeting.


Police have been called more than once because of Taylor’s harassment of people with whom he doesn’t agree.


Taylor has not replied to my request for comment regarding this matter and has told my friend David Jennings that he ignores my questions because all I do is snipe at him. In truth, he doesn’t have good answers to defend either his conduct or how he expects to fund county services and so either ignores questions he can’t answer or deflects by boasting about his sex life.


Whether he answers me or not it is my opinion that Taylor does not have the character, social skills, or critical thinking skills, much less the sophistication to hold public office or represent the public interest over his own delusional belief system. He continues to disgrace Coos County and participating in the January 6th insurrection should disqualify him from holding any office. Using the 14th Amendment, New Mexico removed a county commissioner from office for his role in the insurrection.