Mike Lehman, executive director of ORCCA has provided a redacted list* of grant applications made since hiring a new development director in mid-July that he claims will offset SCFS six-figure deficits. When discussing the deficits at SCFS (South Coast Food Share) reflected in internal budgets it is important to keep track of the two separate fiscal years, 2012-13 and 2013-14. Budget documents in use as recently as last month reflect an unresolved deficit of $225K for the fiscal year ending June, 2013 and a projected operating deficit of $178K for the 2013-14 fiscal year. Comparing the current budgets with years past the deficit can be attributed to 1) $60,439 in space costs to reflect the Food Bank share of the new campus financing; 2) a 35% drop off in donations; 3) reduced funding from Community Services Block Grants and 4) lower reimbursements from the pantries.

Somehow, despite these deficits the agency is still making payroll. Assuming the 2012-13 deficit has been miraculously cured by an influx of $224K in discretionary funding, or heaven forbid, the temporary appropriation of funds dedicated to other programs like Head Start this still leaves the 2013-14 year unbalanced by $178K. According to insiders, Lehman expects to use his “political connections” to bring an influx of donations to fill funding gaps.

There is much more to report but the paperwork takes time to work through so please bear with me.

*List of pending grants without redaction Grant Tracker 2013-14.xlsx