Our next General Assembly will be on Saturday, October 20, at the Coos Bay Library.  We will meet from 12:30 to 2:00 P.M. in the small conference room.  Our regular GA will be from 12:30-1:00, then we will have a guest, Rob Taylor, representing the ARRRG charter. Hope to see you there as we use our GA as a discussion forum!  Our plan is for our interview of Rob Taylor  to be filmed and posted here.  We are accepting questions from the general public. Please reply to the email below if you have questions or concerns, or post a question at the bottom of the site

Occupy Oregon South Coast is not taking a stand for or against the Charter. However, we do represent the people and we are soliciting questions from the public. Please take the time to review the charter at: http://cooscountycharter.com/

If you have agenda items, questions, or other suggestions contact: OccupyOregonSouthCoast@gmail.com