Recently, local business owner and self professed “numbers guy” Al Pettit presented Coos County poverty and unemployment figures. He says the local Chamber of Commerce Legislative Action Team is trying to educate lawmakers about “good business practices” and how to make Oregon more business friendly to improve these statistics.

Pettit cites a poll amongst major corporate executives that shows Oregon ranking a low 33 for friendliness towards business and says Oregon should try to reach the top ten. The numbers, unfortunately, don’t show any correlation between a friendliness ranking and any improvement in unemployment and poverty rates.

For example, Texas ranked number one but has a higher poverty rate, 16.9% than Oregon at 13.5% ranked at 33. Comparing Oregon to the top ten business friendly states shows Oregon with a lower unemployment rate than Nevada, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and North Carolina, five of which have double digit unemployment.

Oregon trails Texas by 33 points in the friendliness ranking but only 2.3% separate the state 9.5% unemployment from Texas’ 7.7% rate and Oregon is tied with number two ranked North Carolina, also at 9.5%. North Dakota at 21 and Vermont at 40 for business friendliness have lower unemployment rates at 3.2% and 5.9% respectively than number one ranked Texas and poverty rates below the national average.

Even the least business friendly California has a below average poverty rate and poverty stricken West Virginia has a lower unemployment rate than number two business friendly, North Carolina. Of the top ten business friendly states, seven have higher than average poverty rates and five exceed the national unemployment rate. Clearly, what all this means is attempts to reduce the very complex problems facing our nation and our region down to simplistic cause and effect is childish, ill thought and irresponsible. Serious critical thinking is required with much more than a ‘build it and they will come’ attitude to make this community self sufficient.

Whatever picture the Mr Numbers Guy is trying to paint, I hope it finds good use somewhere.