During a public work session regarding the Beaver Hill Disposal Site Commissioner Cam Parry entered a motion to work on just three options regarding the Beaver Hill Disposal Site.
1. Build a brand new incineration facility
2. Convert the site to a county owned transfer station
3. Convert the site to a privately owned transfer station
The motion was passed with a unanimous vote of the commissioners.

Number one is the only option that will allow a vote of the people or even allow for a public hearing process. Options two and three will probably not allow for any public hearing process either. Despite the doubt cast on the recent Brady Report claiming the facility is falling apart by an earlier URS report claiming the facility could operate another 15 years with normal maintenance, the commissioners are accepting the Brady report are not willing to consider a third opinion or making repairs to the existing structure.

No time was allowed for public comment during today’s work session but the board has scheduled another meeting for April 18 to report on their “findings and analysis”. There you have it. Without a hew and cry from the public a valuable public asset will be dismantled and scrapped without benefit of public comment or input. Worse, these commissioners will forever forfeit the county’s control of its solid waste management and extend its liability to distant landfills.

Today’s meeting did not address the approximately $1 million arrears owed to the county by Waste Connections.

The county has responded to my public records request and I will be picking up that information tomorrow and will provide it here and video highlights of today’s meeting.