The fireworks are up at Coos Media Center for those anxious to view the verbal fisticuffs between Al Pettit and Bob Main and the defense provided by Fred Messerle. [Begins at 0:33:00]
Long awaited budget analysis has finally been provided and I will put together a video montage with clips from Tuesday’s meeting and insert factual information about the budget that serve to correct a lot of the disinformation presented by the majority report submitted by the structure advisory committee.
Word is, Barton is recovering from pneumonia or the flu
Also, I needs to know; where was Barton? I also needs to get me one of them there spel chekers.
The man is a dinosaur. So am I. And Messerle is from a time when the fish decided to try dry land. That Board needs people with young, fresh, out of the box, ideas. I fully expected Charlie to dicuss his PERT Chart. He certainly was not present when his Marketing 101 instructer said never ask a question to which you do not know the answer.
He reminds me of every graduate of the old Xerox PSS series (Professional Selling Skills). I thought it was kind of funny when he tried to set Main up and when it didn’t work out he just kept on as if no egg had been thrown on his face at all.
Thanks MGX. I doubt that we will see most of that in the World paper soon – if ever. WHATA DORK! Just viewed (some parts twice) all presentation. The man starts by quoting the almost daily bird cage liner (an operation never to be used as an example of how to grow your business) that is managed by his pal as gospel. He follows that wih a Q&A of the commissioners – obviously trying desperately to justify what he has done and his conclusions. Quoting the personal beliefs of union leader Jennings as fact gains the man nothing. What a waste of peoples time. WRONG AGAIN Charlie Pettit! With a small effort, we may have three, not two, new commissioners later this year. A few of the speakers still don’t understand the county problem and it appears that at election time good old country boy Fred Messerle, a person who tells folks that he spends considerable time managing Messerle and Sons, time that could be spent managing the county, would prefer that the citizens remain mushrooms – in the dark and fed bullcrap. The Harley dealership may be hurting for business in the down economy, but buying the building and inventory for four times the assessed building only is apples and oranges Mr. Arnold.