The CCAP newsletter/propaganda dispensary known as The World is already priming the public for another onslaught of pressure to centralize power and hire a county administrator. A recent editorial characterized the 60% of voters who rejected the administrator ordinance as afraid of change, uncomfortable with “newness” and just plain confused. Considering the paper’s generally low opinion of the local electorate it is a wonder these same voters were given credit for also opposing a new home rule charter. In the end, the paper threatens us with, “The administrator idea is not dead, but its supporters will need to regroup”.

There is simply no statistical or empirical data or even any local examples to support one form of governance over another. There are equal examples of success and failure at both ends of the argument and potentially more examples of graft and other abuses of power with the administrator model. It will be a sad testimony if a focus group like a local chamber of commerce representing only a handful of participating, dues paying businesses decides who sits on the commission.

At any rate, the implications are that the will of the people means nothing to the rat PAC(K) or The World editors.