To put it mildly, structure committee co-chair Al Pettit, (who was missing his sidekick Jon Barton today) began his presentation before the BOC today roaring like a lion and snarling at Bob Main before he even began his slide show. Pettit pushed for hiring a central administrator or manager saying it would give the employees continuity within an ever changing board and Main counter punched with a statistic that most paid administrators last only three years.

Pettit left like lamb when a citizen took issue with Pettit’s characterization of IT staff as “two and a half girls”. Several in the room cheered to see him leave but he missed some more pointed commentary so Messerle had to take the blows for him.

The conduct of the structure advisory committee throughout the process has served to alienate and divide the commission and the community and Pettit has an uncanny gift to insult staff even when trying to praise them. To paraphrase Pettit effectively said, “No offense to union employees but management have more to offer for good ideas to fix the county.”

At the last BOC meeting Sheriff Zanni indicated that two employees felt they had been coerced into changing their answers on a questionnaire from the structure advisory committee and board chairman, Fred Messerle asked HR Director Mike Lehman to address these serious allegations. Lehman told the board that unless these individuals came forward and filed a complaint there was nothing to do (and presumably nothing to investigate).

The video will be one of the more entertaining meetings in a long time but one thing is still unresolved. The findings and conclusions posted to the structure committee website have never been voted on in public. The public has only conjecture as to who voted in favor of the committee findings. Oregon statutes require decisions of a committee of more than three members be reached by consensus, which according to Webster’s is “first, general agreement, and second, group solidarity of belief or sentiment.”

This report should not have been accepted by the board absent a public vote and consensus from the members.

UPDATE: Pettit maintained during his presentation that there is no job description for the job of commissioner. Without speaking to the accuracy of the document, Pettit is wrong, there is a job description and I originally found it last summer from a link provided on the structure committee website and posted the link last October here. The link is still active but can no longer be accessed from the structure committee’s main page.