Dan Varoujean, the same biologist who suggested that people who care about the environment should “hang themselves” and called for the slaughter, by gunshot, of 300 seals now wants a “resource militia” to take back the “land from the federal government.” A militia is defined as “a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities, typically in opposition to a regular army.” At the January 17, 2012 BOC meeting, Varoujean spoke in opposition to the Bandon Marsh proposal to purchase private property to expand the area wetlands. [Begins at 2:30:00]

Interestingly, Varoujean rails against the Nature Conservancy which submitted a proposal to expand the marsh in June 2010 that included acquiring property from Fred Messerle and Sons, Inc. Messerle is a Coos County interim commissioner.

Here we are, living in Coos County where scared old white guys are calling for armed insurrection at public meetings… where is Homeland Security when you need them?