The governance and structure committees are scheduled to meet together tonight for two hours and have allotted an entire ten minutes for public comment. The structure committee is expected to present a power point presentation of their subjective opinions based upon their exploration of county functions. Yesterday, Commissioner Fred Messerle defended the structure committee from critics saying they had prepared the most thorough and in depth examination of the county departments ever conducted.
6:00 PM Governance Committee & Structure Committee Joint Meeting- North Bend City Council Chambers, 835 California, North Bend

UPDATE Commissioner Main rightly complained at Tuesday’s board meeting about the release of draft conclusions to the local newspaper sending misleading and incorrect information. Main mentioned that commissioners from other counties were approaching him about how the county was a mess and the board incompetent and he was disappointed that this committee would put out such information to the entire state of Oregon without some formal approval. Well, according to witnesses at last night’s joint meeting Al Pettit indicated that the county was in the same condition as Curry County and months away from insolvency, something we all know is not true.

The committee strongly recommends hiring a manager or CEO but evidently did not demonstrate how this would cure the county’s budget ills or improve county functions. This is a guess, but I will bet that no reliable risk assessment has been conducted to determine what consequences such a move might have on the county. More to come…