A local marine biologist, Dan Varoujean, says environmentalists suffer from “eco-guilt” and “should just go hang themselves”. Varoujean also says the governor should sign an executive order decreeing that environmental groups have no standing in court. He goes on to say that individuals threatened by corporate induced environmental damage must post a bond before taking on a corporate behemoth in court.

Varoujean was speaking on a public access program entitled “Build Docks – They Will Come” and made other outrageous claims, including a statement that the Gulf oil spill has not caused any permanent damage. The full video is 28 minutes.

Varoujean also characterized social and economic justice issues as “crap”.

Varoujean is on the board of directors of the Coos Soil and Water Conservation District which claims to work “… to improve and protect water quality include stream bank protection, critical area planting, drainage management, reforestation, erosion controls, improved animal waste management, sediment and debris removal, and the application of soils information.”

According to The World host Frank Williams has a long collection of right wingers slated for upcoming programs.

Other videos in the series will feature former county commissioner John Griffith, former equipment dealer Terry Babcock, Frank’s brother and fellow longshoreman Doyle Williams, and Coos Bay Harley-Davidson dealer Al Pettit. Williams said Tuesday that each guest will provide his own evidence of the benefits of a terminal.