Comments are due today, by 5PM on the 2011 draft Elliott State Forest Management Plan. Comments may be addressed to the State Forests Planning Specialist, Oregon Department of Forestry, 2600 State Street, Salem, OR 97310, sent by email to or via fax to (503) 945-7376

You can access the draft FMP here

Items of particular importance while addressing the FMP is the value of the Elliott State Forest as one of the planets most efficient carbon sinks. Carbon_Analysis_of_Elliott_State_Forest Also consider the list of broken promises from previous plans and what might be lost with this current proposal.

Some of the promises made in the 1995 HCP that could be broken include:
a. Protection of long-rotation basins;
b. Acres of forests over 80 years and over 156 years old;
c. Permanent reserves.

Consider also, that while the net revenues of this sale of native forest are placed into a fund and the interest benefits the almost 200 Oregon school districts, much of this public resource will serve to benefit privately held companies and not be distributed for the common good.