Opponents of the Jordan Cove LNG import facility and its associated Pacific Connector Pipeline have long suspected the real aim of the project is to export natural gas. The significance of the designation between import or export determines whether right of way along the proposed pipeline route can be obtained via eminent domain. As an import terminal, Jordan Cove applied for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to demonstrate that there is a need for foreign imported natural gas thereby opening the door for Williams Pipeline to begin a public condemnation process and force easements upon property owners along the route.

FERC conditioned its preliminary approval of the Jordan Cove/Pacific Connector project on the fact that it will be used to import “needed” foreign natural gas to the Western States. In April, Port of Coos Bay CEO Jeff Bishop took out an ad that helped confirm the worst fears of LNG opponents and property owners combined, that the real goal is to export. Now, in accordance with Bishop’s confirmation and several other confirming key indicators from the industry the Western Environmental Law Center on behalf of parties that include Citizens Against LNG, have asked that “FERC undertake supplemental NEPA analysis to document the environmental effects of the proposed project” as an export facility. According to documents uploaded to the FERC library, “Failure to prepare supplemental environmental impact statement would be arbitrary, capricious, and not in accordance with NEPA. 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A)”.

In other news, yesterday Commissioners Main and Parry deliberated the procedures to use regarding matters on land use remanded to the County for reconsideration by LUBA. Many thanks to Commissioner Parry for arguing in favor of allowing new evidence as it will avert another inevitable argument at LUBA. It is agreed that de novo evidence may be entered on the single matter of the Olympia oyster where LUBA found that the County did not adequately consider evidence in its findings. A new hearing will be held July 12 at 3PM in the Owen Building. Commissioner Messerle, a land owner along the pipeline route, recused himself from these procedural deliberations.