Jacqueline Haggerty will retire by June 30 but remain available on a part time basis to help with the transition to new county counsel if necessary. Haggerty has been absent for months with no official explanation from the BOC. There was no word as to her replacement but last month assistant counsel, Oubonh White was on the May 17 agenda for a promotion. The item was pulled from the agenda with no explanation.
Coos County Counsel to retire by June 30
by magix | Jun 7, 2011 | Coos County, Oregon | 3 comments
Thanks for the e-mail Mr. T. I am always pleasantly surprised by the Republicans and Independents of the area – like me – who read MGX to get content that the daily bird cage liner refuses to print – or refuses to print in a timely manner – or refuses to print un massaged. As requested, elaboration of my earlier posting follows. Oregon law prevents the county commissioners from interfering in the management of the elected assessor’s, county clerk’s, treasurer’s or sheriff’s offices. The elected official only may manage those organizations. The elceted official only may hire and fire. That June 2010 letter content alone gives Mr. Colby a solid slam dunk seven figure case against the county of Coos – if and when he elects to file such suit – and I believe that will be soon. Further, the crack daily bird cage liner reporterette wrote and had published on 2 June 2010, an article about what the overpaid ($11,000 more than the max salary range and at least 15% more than the county commissioners) county HR manager is alleged prone to do – “PEOPLE HAVE JOKED THAT MIKE LEHMAN, THE NEW COOS COUNTY HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR, WILL CREATE A CRISIS JUST TO SOLVE IT.” Is he, another member of the Oregon Bar, the author of that wonderful June 2010 letter. We’ll never know as nobody will take credit for that letter except possibly in court.
We may never know the whole story of Coos County’s evolving counsel story
Hopefully Mr. Main, Messerle, and Parry have not lost their sanity and understand that the county is presently spending significant dollars for rent a lawyers because Ms. Haggerty was apparently ill prepared for big time matters. How much was spent on rent a lawyers to negotiate the simple structured ORC lease or to create the Colby mess than has not gone away yet. The county lawyer who authored the June 2010 Colby letter over the signatures of Main et al, who at best demonstrated that they did not understand Oregon law, should be sent packing at the speed of light. Why would they promote Ms. White, who may be a great lawyer, but has less than five years experience as a lawyer in any role.