All this talk about bringing in private consultants to fix our county government seems to reflect a view on the part of the interim commissioners that the county doesn’t run very well. Repeating the meme that Coos County is a $100 million annual “business” that desperately needs some “strategic planning” only available from expensive private sector consultants reveals a studied refusal to 1) understand government is not a business, and 2) assumes underfunded and understaffed departments must be inefficient simply because they are ‘government’. (If I were a public employee I would be more than a little offended).

What this says to me is we have two seriously inexperienced commissioners with a clear ‘anti-government’ agenda pushing to make changes in a system for which they appear to have little or no understanding. It also indicates a lot of hubris on this newly appointed board. This is more than a little scary and where is Bob Main in all of this?

For the most part I support Main and his efforts at the county but I think he really blew it by loading the board with conservative idealogues.

For some pieces on private sector inefficiency look just about anywhere but also check this site out Death by Spreadsheet