Since I would have to be superwoman to both support a family and keep up with all the happenings in Coos County I have paid zero attention to Coos Bay’s Boat Building Center. Today, however, an article at The World indicates that the center is somehow gaining autonomy by using $100,000 of urban renewal money to make needed renovations at its Hollering Place location in Empire. In addition to publicly funded “autonomy”, by taking “the Urban Renewal Agency’s name off the $5-a-year lease” the center can bypass the competitive bid process and avoid paying higher prevailing wages for the renovation work.

Requiring taxpayer help to become “autonomous” is kind of stretch but let’s say the center provides for a greater public good and is worth the investment. Deliberately using that taxpayer funded autonomy to deny that same public the right to bid and earn prevailing wage jobs, well that is hardly something to gloat about.