During recent annual budget hearings, commissioners Main and Parry learned the Coos County Road Department had a huge surplus of unused funds to carry forward. (When I receive the video I will update with specifics). In January, Andy Jackson advised the board the county roads were in horrible shape and the roadmaster, John Rowe claimed he could not keep up with the maintenance requirements with the minimal staff he remaining after twenty two road workers were laid off, December 31, 2008.

Main was reportedly stunned and angrily asked why, with the county roads disintegrating, have they not used the surplus to hire necessary staff? Management told the board they intended to hire three more people in July, (coincident with the expiration of the Teamsters Union contract). Main said the department would hire back five from the union list, effective this Monday. The county invested many years training these people and their experience is a valuable asset that should not be wasted.

Most county department heads would be delighted to be able to hire more staff but according to witnesses, Rowe did not appear to be happy. Rowe has repeatedly told the board these last two years, the department was keeping up with all maintenance duties and complaints were minimal. The department has effectively received funds for work it has not performed for the public.

The budget discrepancies between figures presented by former commissioner, Kevin Stufflebean, to justify the New Year’s Eve layoffs and the actual budget was pointed out by many during that period. This blog sent information on the discrepancies to The World newspaper and a government agency. The World chose not to report on it, even during the recall effort to oust Stufflebean.