Olbermann-Tough talk with Richard Trumka-

AFL/CIO president takes the bull by the horns with a new superPAC to raise money for pro working class candidates from the federal level on down.

Trumka said Obama made a “strategic mistake” in trying to address both the unemployment situation and deficit crisis at the same time over recent weeks and must now focus solely and aggressively on creating jobs.

“We do not have a short term deficit crisis. It does not exist,” Trumka said. “We have a short term jobs crisis. And if you fix the job crisis the deficit crisis goes away.”

Trumka has been a frequent critic of Obama’s handling of the economic crisis, and insisted that organized labor will not automatically support the president or congressional Democrats come election day if they do not more aggressively act on their behalf.

AFL-CIO took steps this week to form a new “super” PAC which leaders say will allow the group to more forcefully and independently support favored candidates by raising and spending unlimited funds.