Apologies to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for stealing a line from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
In the mystery, Silver Blaze, Holmes confers with a Scotland Yard detective
Detective Gregory – “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?”
Holmes – “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.”
Gregory – “The dog did nothing in the night-time.”
Holmes – “That was the curious incident.”

The relative silence from establishment media of a “thwarted bomb attack” involving “domestic terrorism” during a Martin Luther King parade held in Spokane, Washington is highly curious. According to the FBI, a sophisticated explosive device packaged in a Swiss Army backpack armed with remote detonation features had the ability to cause “mass casualties”. Even the placement of the backpack, against a brick wall on a metal bench, optimized its potential to do maximum harm to parade participants.

According to the Spokesman Review, the FBI “will focus on two aspects: forensics and the region’s violent history with white supremacists.” A white supremacist website posted a link to the first of the videos linked below.

To paraphrase historian Howard Zinn, sometimes historians are more noted for what they omit than what they include as they chronicle the ages. It is well worth noting that a significant story on domestic terrorism is being omitted by the establishment media.

Is the FBI’s confidence this is an act of domestic terrorism to explain for the lack of interest by the media. Have our media become so focused on Islamic terrorism they don’t find this even newsworthy? Shortly after, the Tucson massacre a CNN reporter said there was “no indication this was an act of terrorism”. Meaning, unfortunately, it wasn’t an act of brown skinned terrorism.

The mystery of the watchdog not making a ruckus when a valuable racehorse was stolen right under its nose was solved because, of course, the dog new the thief.