Whitty and Stufflebean vote to give ORC two extra years of free lunch. Citizens can just tighten their belts and do with reduced services thanks to two thirds of the commission but ORC with their high salaried management get a free ride and no belt tightening.

Stufflebean cited all the benefits to the county, schools, etc… of depriving them of tax revenue. He claims that paying higher salaries results in more income taxes to fund schools, for example. However, neither he nor Whitty did any math to confirm that the taxing districts wouldn’t just be better off getting the taxes.

Both commissioners made a million dollar decision without any idea what the payoff will actually be. This is how irresponsible they are.

Coos County is a resource rich area and does not have to pay a resource extraction industry for jobs. They are lucky to be able to operate here.

Commissioner Main stuck to his guns and voted against the abatement.