The World is now representing itself as a voice of reason after enabling Stufflebean to vent against his perceived enemies last week, setting off a State investigation into the Sheriffs Office. Now, after they published this stuff, they call for Stufflebean to show ‘what he’s got’.

One of two things is true. Either the Coos County Sheriff’s Office is corrupt, or County Commissioner Kevin Stufflebean is guilty of rhetorical recklessness.

If it’s the first, then Stufflebean needs to produce his evidence. If it’s the second, he needs to retract his inflammatory comments promptly, and apologize to the honest county employees he has defamed….Assuming Stufflebean’s allegation is nothing but political wind, he should retract it immediately, before the state invests time and money investigating a fantasy. The retraction will hurt Stufflebean’s campaign, but knowingly triggering a needless investigation will hurt worse. Unless he has some real cards to show, he should fold this hand now.

Hello!!! The World should have insisted Stufflebean produce his evidence before they ever published anything or better yet, they should have turned it over to the DA. Maybe the paper should determine whether something is ‘political wind’ or alcohol fueled rants or bad dreams or an ‘undigested bit of beef’ before publishing. As Scrooge said, Stufflebean’s charges are more of gravy than grave.