Noted previously, Stufflebean has given several reasons for filing bankruptcy including his recall fight. A review of the OreSTAR election database does not list any expenses paid by Stufflebean toward his recall fight begging the question, did Stufflebean violate election laws by not reporting campaign expenditures?

Further, has he declared in his bankruptcy filing his disposal of personal assets toward the recall? Is he required to?

My sources have told me that he carried heavy credit card debt back when he worked for the State so he knew a claimed $28,000 pay cut would have a serious impact upon his ability to honor his debts. So why complicate the matter with continued spending on big screen televisions or a recall election?

IF Stufflebean violated campaign laws and IF he improperly filled out the bankruptcy filing, both could meet with harsh penalty, which may explain why The World omitted the claims blaming the campaign and a reduced salary from the original AP article. The World supported Stufflebean during the recall election.