Not surprisingly he couldn’t just say NO. Replying to the challenge asking him to essentially ‘put up or shut up’, engaged in a long rant, (for which he is apparently locally renowned) and instead asked me to call in Monday where he will dissect our challenge and reveal us as addle brained buffoons. Here are some tidbits

Ms. Geddry:

I have no intention of lowering myself to address such a sophomoric “challenge”.

The nature of your questions themselves indicate your total lack of understanding of the operation of governmental bodies as well as the laws and ordinances governing public officials.

Eventually he ends up here

I invite you to call my radio show on Monday, April 28 between 3:00 and 4:00 PM. The number is 267-2124. I will be discussing with my listeners your “challenge”. I will afford you all the time you want to present your position and demonstrate to a broad audience the depth of your ignorance.

I’m sure you will use your column or blog to further vilify me but that’s OK. I have facts and documentable information [emphasis mine] to support my positions unlike your hearsay reporting.

Gosh, our challenge was to produce those very ‘facts and documentable information’ (syntax errors are his, not mine) but he WILL NOT DO IT! Alas, we must take him at his word because he is not going to show us his cookies.

He may wish to carry this forward but remember the old saying about wresting with pigs…’you both get dirty and the pigs love it’. Hence my reply

Thank you for the reply, Mr Bice, and for living up to the opinions of my readers and your reputation as a ‘hit and run’ offender. As stated on my blog, I do not engage in forums without professional editorial guidelines from the sponsoring media, so feel free to spend a second week vilifying me without fear of intrusion upon your worm’s eye view of local politics, I can assure you, I will not be listening.


Mary Geddry