Paul Frasier, Coos County District Attorney brought formal charges against former Coquille PD officer, James Bryant and his wife Tammy, also a former employee of CPD.

Unconfirmed rumor has it the Bryants packed up and moved to Sisters, Oregon within days of Bryant’s arrest, stopping just long enough to send in a resignation. From the official DA press release –

I have reviewed the police investigation regarding the actions of former Coquille Police Officer James Bryant. After having reviewed the reports, I have filed with the Circuit Court the following criminal charges against the following individuals:

James Bryant – Three counts of Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor and one count of Attempted Contributing to the Sexual Delinquency of a Minor. The furnishing charges
allege that on March 17, 2009 that Mr. Bryant provided an alcoholic beverage to three different individuals under the age of 21. The attempted contributing charge alleges that on March 17, 2009 that Mr. Bryant attempted to engage in sexual intercourse with a female under the age of 18;

Tammy Bryant – One count of Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor. The charge alleges that Mrs. Bryant provided an alcoholic beverage to one person under the age of 21.

Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor is a class A Misdemeanor which has a maximum sentence of one year in jail and/or a fine not to exceed $6,250. The Attempted Contributing to the Sexual Delinquency of a Minor charge is a class B Misdemeanor which has a maximum sentence of 6 months in the county jail and/or a fine not to exceed $2,500.
I have further asked that the Coos Bay Police Department issue citations to the persons who were in charge of the premises where the alleged drinking was taking place for the violation of Allowing Consumption by a Minor of Alcohol on Property. I have asked that those citations be given to Coos Bay residents Michael and Cynthia Wallace. As this offense is a violation, no jail time can be ordered if either Mr. or Mrs. Wallace were to be convicted. The sentence prescribed by law is a mandatory minimum fine of $350.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant have been scheduled to appear in Coquille Circuit Court on Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 9 a.m. The citations for Mr. and Mrs. Wallace will be filed at the North Bend Circuit court with an appearance time to be scheduled once the citations are actually served upon Mr. and Mrs. Wallace.