In this corner we have the inchoate but undeniably silver tongued, dance like a honeybee, ‘you hired me to make the tough decisions’ (but never to explain them), Kevin Stufflebean.

In the other corner we have the contemplative, thoughtful, articulate yet quiet and sometimes brooding, ‘Slingblade’ voiced former roadmaster, Larry Van Elsberg.

The IBO question of the day, “How does this recall affect business success and future opportunities?”

Personally, the question is poorly worded because without knowing the outcome of the election it is hard to answer. Or are they asking about the recall campaign? How does the campaign affect business? In general elections are usually good for business in a peripheral sense because people linger longer in public to discuss it, buy an extra cup of coffee or hold luncheons to debate the merits. Anyway, we shall see what the two stars of today’s show think about the process.