This should be an informative affair with questions from the audience and a fixed time limit to answer. (Perhaps they will borrow Nikki’s egg timer.) Stufflebean, clearly very comfortable speaking to an audience may have an advantage here, however, he is unused to presenting his statements in brief and may struggle to stay in the time limits. Van Elsberg presents well in public, typically makes his point with fewer words than Stufflebean, but is more thoughtful before speaking and has less opportunity to practice in public. The debate will not be graded on style, however, but content and the results will manifest via election results. Don’t miss this one!

IBO/Government Affairs Recall Forum

Coos County Commissioner Position #3

Commissioner Kevin Stufflebean & Chief Petitioner Larry Van Elsberg

The Mill Casino-Hotel Salmon Room


11:30 to Noon—Lunch and networking

Noon to 12:05—Welcome by Timm Slater, Government Affairs Chair, and introduction of the Forum moderator Tim Novotny

12:05 to 12:55

· Tim introduces both parties briefly & comments on the way the forum will run. 5 minutes

· Introductory statements by each party covering issues, ideas, vision for Coos County, etc. and answering the question, “How does this recall impact business success and future opportunities?” These statements will be 10 minutes each. Total 20 minutes

· Questions & Answers. The audience will generate written questions which will be collected for Tim. He will review them, eliminate duplications and pose the questions to Kevin and Larry. Responses will be up to 2 minutes for each candidate. Total 20 minutes

· Summary Statements by each candidate—3 minutes each for a total of 6 minutes