One can hope that the citizens of Coquille will be well served with Matt Muenchrath on the council. Odds are good that he will probably read and study up on the matters brought before the council whereas it is often questionable whether the other councilors do. He may even pay attention during council meetings and not nod off. He may even ask relevant questions and may not vote in lock step with everyone else as is usually the case.

Or, he may be more of the same only more attentive. Who knows whether he will work with or against the mayor or nod in affirmation for the bland and lack luster performance and meager managerial skills of the standing city manager. Take note that four of the votes Muenchrath received allowed a city manager to retain an incompetent police chief for years to the detriment of the city and had thousands of dollars stolen right from under his nose.

Apparently, the city manager will escape rebuke for his glowing failures because the council is asleep on the job as usual or so mired in misdirected loyalty to the police department simply because they are the police department and not because they earned it. Thank goodness the new chief came along before another member of the public was injured or more money absconded with and to reveal the incompetence of the former chief and his negligent retention by the city manager.

Hopefully, Muenchrath is not just more of the same, determined to maintain the status quo for the few it serves because if he is, nothing will improve until a real city manager comes along, because we can’t expect any direction from the council.