Sometimes it is hard to see the benefits of an unpleasant situation and yet benefits may result from the most unlikely places. As an example, I have become very selective about the friends I allow into my life as I have taken residence here in Coquille and regrettably moved next door to a self proclaimed harpy. Ever mindful of the safety of my children, in particular my daughter and my own peace of mind, I avoid, like the plague members of local society who accept, tolerate or condone the unseemly behavior and habits typical of A harpy and especially, THE harpy.

While this selectiveness has narrowed my circle of acquaintance it has most certainly raised the character of those acquaintance to a high standard. Ultimately, this will benefit the local community as well.

Thankfully, time, effort and professional circumstances allow me to be selective without negative consequence in both associations and possible investors. Being selective has brought into my life thoughtful and concerned friends possessed of a wide view and a gentle heart unlike those that freely associate with harpies. Even more importantly for my business, my investors are what as known as conscientious investors, investors concerned with the impact upon, the environment and social justice. It is very encouraging to know that there are conscientious investors who do not wish to make a buck off of the backs’ of other people. My company is very blessed to be populated by people of this character.

At some level, after all, our very economic system is socially problematic. The benefits accrue disproportionately to owners (investors, this means you), who make fortunes off the labor of rank-and-file employees. Luck plays a role, as does timing. Education, connections, and money give some people an edge, and hard work doesn’t always carry the day. The key to increasing profit and wealth is improving productivity, and an owner’s glee at producing the same amount with 50 workers as with 100 is not often shared by those who got canned. If you’re going to invest in any free-market enterprise, you’re going to have to accept that no matter how enlightened your choices, your money will be supporting wealth disparity, inequality, and other arguably unfair conditions that go hand in hand with a successful free-market economy.

Naturally, I believe that the benefits to society and the individual are so much greater in the long term than those derived from short term gratification. This is why I have been willing to suffer and struggle rather than accept funds from individuals that do not share this vision or associate with people of dubious character.

In short, if the harpy, who works so hard and devotes so much energy to make my life miserable, has had any positive benefits, it is that she has forced me to be exceedingly selective and therefore unwittingly helped to expose individuals that would counter or spoil the good works we hope to achieve through local energy independence.

UPDATE: The following information was sent to me regarding ‘vengeful stalkers‘…

Vengeful stalkers are angry with their victims over something, real or imagined. Politicians, for example, are harassed by many of these types of stalkers, who, say, become angry over some piece of legislation that the politician supports… Some vengeful stalkers are psychopaths; others are delusional (and often paranoid), and all are convinced that they are the true victims. (emphasis mine) They stalk to “get even.” In general, the less of a relationship that actually existed prior to the stalking, the more mentally disturbed the stalker.

This pretty much sums up what we believe is the case regarding the harpy’s obsession with me and my daughter.