Call it selective oppression or downright arrogance or out and out bigotry the fact that so many oppressed people voted to ban gay marriage is astonishing. Blacks and Latinos and whites voted overwhelmingly to cast off years of prejudice and ignorance and segregation to elect the first black president. They also voted overwhelmingly to oppress and segregate and strip away the rights of gay couples with the passage of Prop 8 in California.

Tens of thousands of gay rights supporters protested on Saturday the passage in California of a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

Protesters took to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the outcome of Proposition 8, waving rainbow flags and signs for “equal rights.”

Up to 10,000 demonstrated in San Diego alone, though police said the protests were peaceful and that there were no arrests or problems, NBC News reported.

Not to be outdone, Mormons, once so oppressed they had to settle their own state for their polygamist and religious beliefs embraced the roll of oppressor as Utah sent financial backing to ensure the passage of Prop 8 two states away.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints encouraged members to donate money and time to aggressively pushing the passage of Proposition 8.

“Separate church and state,” or “I didn’t vote on your marriage,” protesters said as they marched around the headquarters.

Many held signs with messages including “Mormons: Once persecuted, now persecutors,” “Proud of my two moms” and “Protect traditional marriage. Ban divorce.”

It seems that just when we cross one hurdle we insert new ones…