As warned in an earlier post, Councilor Bruce Parker’s letter to the editor two weeks ago has opened the door for some angry retaliation by disgruntled citizens. Tomorrow’s Sentinel will have a letter casting back some of the dirt flung by Reaves, (or his proxies rather, since he doesn’t seem to do his own flinging), highlighting several past indiscretions of the former chief. An excerpt is printed below

Honorable men do not require their officers to rescue them from embarrassing and adulterous situations. Honorable men do not step into a new position and immediately confiscate all monies and materials from a recognized, community supported (and self supporting) organization as he did with the Reserves. An honorable man would not be suspected of intimate relations with a female employee…..

The writer goes on at length and makes reference to several issues that I am currently investigating. If only half of the claims made in this letter are accurate it only begs the question why has O’Connor continuously allowed friendship to get in the way of the public good? Why has he repeatedly kept things from the very public who pay his salary?

Additionally, I spoke with Keizer Police Chief, Marc Adams today who confirmed that he graduated from the police academy with Steve Britton, December, 1979. “Steve is a great guy,” he said. Britton does not have access to his original graduation certificate at the moment but has offered some of his achievement awards during his law enforcement career
Sobriety testing
Basic marine theft investigation
Marine safety and law enforcement

Lastly, it appears that the same erstwhile Sentinel reporter who has long been a stenographer for the parting police chief and his policies is now taking a shot at councilor candidate, Dian Courtright on his blog. He has provided an audio recording taken from his voice mail whereby Dian had to cancel an interview. Apparently he believes, inexplicably, that Dian would deny canceling the interview. Why else go to the bother of posting the recording? What was the point?

I have spoken with Dian and she freely acknowledges she had a change in plans. She may well be glad she did as I spoke with Mayor Britton who advised me that based upon the way this blogger has handled the mayoral race, never again will Britton grant him an interview.

Thankfully, Dian avoided being corralled by the biased editorializing of this amateur blogger and hopefully will restrict her interviews to established and legitimate news media.