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Author: magix

Take back America

The blogosphere is pulsing with excitement and purpose. A movement is afoot to contact our Senators and Reps follow this to link to read about ‘Operation Flabbergasted: Let’s Watergate Bush’.

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Letter to the President

Please stop protecting me Mr President. I appreciate your concern for my safety and well being but please just stop. You see I have standards and well, they differ from yours. Additionally, I have a different concept of safety and well being than you. Frankly, on this point alone I wish you would stop for now I worry about my civil liberties when I didn’t before you started protecting me.

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Speaking of national security

Speaking of eavesdropping, Bush’s outrage today at

the unauthorized disclosure of this effort damages our national security and puts our citizens at risk.”

begs the question what did the outing of Valerie Plame, at least in Bush’s view of the world, do to our national security? Evidently nothing given the White House’s reluctant acceptance of Libby’s resgination and the continued employment of Karl Rove.

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