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Author: magix

Iraq, the ultimate albatross

The problem with the December parliamentary elections in Iraq is that once again, Shi’ites voted for Shi’ites, Sunnis for Sunnis and Kurds for Kurds cementing the already sectarian division inherent in the constitutional vote. The ultimate result is an Iraq keenly aligned with Iran’s hard line fundamentalist president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

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Military wants soldiers to stop blogging

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that US military are cracking down on blogs written and updated from Iraq by soldiers and Marines.

In a development that is worrying US military commanders in Iraq, a growing number of US soldiers – 200 at the last count – have set up their own blogs, or internet diaries, and are updating them from the battlefield.

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Iraq's new government pro Iran

The parliamentary election outcome is under dispute in Iraq. Sunnis have taken to the street in droves to protest.

AP – More than 10,000 people marched through Baghdad on Tuesday in support of a national unity government of Sunnis and Shiites, while members of the Shiite alliance expected to dominate the country’s new parliament met with Kurdish leaders to discuss a governing coalition.

According to the Asian Times,

the United Iraqi Alliance (UIA) were the big winners – from 70% to 95% of the vote in the impoverished southern provinces; 59% in Baghdad; and nationally, well over 40% of the total (they’ve won in nine of Iraq’s 18 provinces plus the capital). It’s a relatively unexpected success considering the dreadful record of Ibrahim Jaafari’s Shi’ite-dominated government.

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Poll – Should Bush be impeached? YES!

Many of you may have read in the blogosphere of the reluctance on the part of The Washington Post to poll its readers and ask the above question. Today, perhaps emboldened by having made Bill O’Reilly’s blacklist, MSNBC published just such a poll and the results thus far are staggering. Of the 135,000+ voters 85% feal that Bush should be impeached.

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