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Author: magix

4th Dist Congressional Race

The outcome of the November elections can mean the difference between life and death for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tuesday I attended the debate in Coos Bay between Congressman Peter DeFazio and his challenger, Jim...

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Draft war supporters NOW!

Surprizingly, despite knowing that there were no WMD’s or links to al Qaeda prior to the US invasion, recent polls indicate that there are still 30 odd percent of the American population that support the war in Iraq. With only 4% of the US population in the military and only 1% of the population having actually fought in Iraq that leaves well over 25% of this nation that support the war but are not actively engaged in fighting it. Yesterday, it was announced that President Bush has authorized the involuntary recall of United States Marines from Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) status to suppliment recruiting shortfalls. If only 10% of that 25% that believe in the war, and who better to fight it than those who support it, were to enlist today our fighting force would increase by 7.5 million and these poor kids now serving their third and fourth tour in Iraq could go home for good. If you really support the troops, then, by God, take their next tour for them.

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Join me in Seattle and DC

Things are heating up and we all need to take action. Two upcoming events that you should not miss are the Veterans for Peace National Convention in Seattle, August 10 thru 13. Speakers include Cindy Sheehan and John Perkins, author or ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’ and many others.

Beginning September 5 and continuing thru September 21 on the National Mall in DC thousands of supporters will attend Camp Democracy. Raise your voice to Congress and help mobilize the nation to bring home our troops now. Join me there!

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