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Author: magix

Where are all the leaders?

Lee Iacocca wrote recently that “leaders are made, not born. Leadership is formed in times of crisis”. Even in the military where subordination to rank and respect for chain of command are hammered and drilled until they are second nature in every GI the truth of Iacocca’s statement reveals itself in times of combat.

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Taking another shot in DC

Going to hit the halls of Congress one last time to try and wake up our new democratic majority. Are we any better off now than this time last year? It seems not.

Will stop in Salem on my way to Portland and observe the house debate and vote on Oregon Homeward Bound 2007. Presumably, my representative, Wayne Krieger, will a short bio about me which sets the stage to the assembly that military families are watching.

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Seconds count

Any paramedic, fireman or emergency room doctor can attest that sometimes the difference between life and death can be measured in seconds. A moment’s hesitation, a heartbeat of delay, a mere breath of indecision can cost someone their life. Speed is of the essence a quick response is always crucial.

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