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Author: magix

Citizen review board

concerned citizen has a great post up. As tax paying, concerned citizens and parents we have a right and an obligation to ensure that there is real oversight of our local governance. Thankfully, this concept is not unique to our community but is being addressed all over the country. More later…..

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Concerned Parents

When I read the June 4 article in The World, concerning police conduct, I was very much relieved and pleased to find that other citizens, other parents were as concerned as I have been about this matter. A friend joined me and I attended only my third city council meeting with no intent to participate but to observe and hopefully meet up with some of these people. In the end, after listening to many horror stories ranging from unwarranted stops to ongoing harassment, I finally had to speak as well.

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Threats from cowards

Last Friday, at our weekly vigil, a sign threatening one of our members was set out in advance at the Veterans for Peace corner. The threat makers, too cowardly to sign their handiwork no doubt hold membership with the very people that point a sign at us each week calling us cowards. They call ours the ‘cut and run’ corner, these brave but anonymous patriots.

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