The months long dormant CCAP (Coos County Alliance for Progress) has raised an additional $1,000 and contributed the same to US Representative Peter DeFazio. After spending heavily in 2012 and failing to elect Fred Messerle or pass an ordinance to hire a county administrator, the PAC went quiet with the exception of $1,000 contribution to Ron Wyden last November. The PAC is still sitting on $5.4K that it could invest into the commission race between John Sweet and Don Gurney. Odds are, if it does invest, it will back Sweet who supports the CEP (Community Enhancement Plan).
THERE IS A THIRD CHOICE, this time, but the republicrats will fix that if they can trick the public into passing ballot Initiative 54 and 55. The present system doesn’t really care which side you vote for as long as its one of the two parties that are taking their bribe money. Vote green or expect more of the same year after year. Instead of DeFazio look at this guy and the platform of the Pacific Green Party.
There are choices for Oregon, we don’t have to keep electing the same criminal interests.
Merkley will give you more of what Wyden has been giving us, special representation for special interest. If that doesn’t appeal to you then look at this candidate.
The democrats aren’t this far left, but casting your vote for a third choice that more likely represents the regular people than they do, will push them that direction or show the public that there is really very little difference between them and the Republicans who represent the same corporate interests. . There is a third choice for Governor as well and this guy will really make the system sweat if he can unseat Kitzhaber.