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Glendale, OR - The view from base camp - Alex Fett

Glendale, OR – The view from base camp – Alex Fett

Wildfires started by lightening strikes near Glendale, Oregon have forced evacuations and spread to almost 29,000 acres. More than 1,600 personnel have been brought in to fight the fires including Oregon National Guard

Current Situation: The Douglas Complex currently consists of Rabbit Mountain, on the west side of Interstate 5, northwest of Glendale, Dad’s Creek, west of Glendale, and the Farmer’s Fire south of Glendale. The Oregon Military Department and the Oregon Office of Emergency Management are assisting with response to the Douglas Complex. The Oregon Army National Guard is providing aviation assets at the request of the Oregon Department of Forestry. Five aircraft are prepared to help with fire suppression including three HH-60M Blackhawk helicopters, one CH-47 Chinook helicopter, and one UH-72 Lakota. Approximately 125 Soldiers along with 26 High Mobility Multi Wheeled Vehicles are also slated to be called-up on State Active Duty within the next 72 hours to assist with traffic control in the evacuated areas.
Milo Branch is a group of smaller fires, all less than 20 acres in size. These fires will be turned back to Douglas Forest Protective Association today. No further control problems are expected on these fires.
Rabbit Mountain
Near Middle Creek, firefighters continue to make progress on line construction as well as setting up hoses and water for use in extinguishing heat along the fire line. The containment line held yesterday with some mop up started.
Dad’s Creek
The south end of the fire continues to burn actively near Grave Creek. Structural engines worked with hand crews to contain the spread of fire on the West end of Grave Creek road.
Approximately 30 homes are being threatened in the Grave Creek, Poorman Creek, and Lower Wolf Creek areas. Crews will continue to remove any vegetation that may be considered a fire hazard around structures in the Grave Creek and Wolf Creek area today.
The fire is expected to burn actively again in the afternoon when winds start to affect fire movement.
Weather: The marine layer will break sooner today. Temperatures will be up 5-10 degrees and humidity lower. Winds will pick up in the afternoon, coming from the west and rotating northwest with gusts up to 20miles per hour. A drying trend is forecasted for the weekend.
Evacuations and Closures:
Cow Creek Road from Riddle into the fire area and from Glendale into the fire has been closed. The public is asked to honor the road blocks and not interfere with firefighters working in the area.
Evacuations have been downgraded to a level 2 for McCullough Creek Road, Reuben Road, and Mt. Reuben Road in Douglas County. Poorman Creek Road, Lower Grave Creek, Grave Creek, and Lower Wolf Creek in Josephine County remain a level 3.
Residences in the area are still considered threatened. This means evacuations could be necessary at some point in the future. Any official evacuation orders would be issued by the Douglas County or Josephine County Sheriff’s Offices.