Jason Gonzales of Cascadia Forest Defenders and Rep Wayne Krieger will debate two bills that will criminalize protests of logging practices that damage habitat. From OPB
today at 12:20PM

21c53863e3ad4eb5e1ea0966f420989dTwo bills passed in the Oregon House this week aim to curb protesting on state forest lands. HB 2595 would make it a crime to interfere with logging operations in state-owned forests. A first offense would be considered a misdemeanor, but a subsequent conviction would be considered a felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of 13 months. HB 2596 would allow private contractors hired by the Oregon Department of Forestry to sue activists for costs such as damage to their equipment and loss of wages.

Both bills passed the House by wide margins. They now move on to the Senate.

Do you work in the timber industry? Have you ever protested a logging operation? How would this legislation affect you?


Wayne Krieger: Oregon State Representative (R-Gold Beach)
Jason Gonzales: A spokesperson for Cascadia Forest Defenders